The Last Band On Earth

Nat and her bandmates in The Dead Layaways want to go on tour, but the demonic entities who run their city have other ideas…and the dark cloud that hangs over everything stifles their creativity. This ruined place is not their home, and they have no idea how they ended up here, or where “home” even is. Is there really nothing but endless wasteland beyond the city limits, as the demons claim?

Fearing for their survival following an event at the end of chapter 2, the group is finally forced to travel outside the city in chapter 3. What they find there fills them with even more doubt that they will ever make it home…

Much like the author’s previous work, The Last Band On Earth draws on themes of mental illness and attempted recovery. It is also about being in your 20s and still not feeling like a Real Adult, and the fear that time is running out.

Contains mild swearing, mild violence, and elements of liminal horror, and is intended for ages 14 & up.

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